Cystitis is an extremely common condition but the related, yet, chronic bladder condition, interstitial cystitis (IC), can be very debilitating for some individuals. It can be experienced as mild discomfort to unbearable pain in the bladder and sometimes in the pelvic region too. Since it is often mistaken for a common bladder infection, antibiotics are generally prescribed at the outset, but do not cure the condition. How do I know if I have cystitis or IC or a sexually transmitted infection (STI)? And how do I treat these conditions?
IC can be very painful and symptoms include a frequent need to urinate and a burning sensation when passing urine. These are also symptoms of infection and cystitis, but IC is caused by inflammation of the bladder wall. More can be discovered at this website.
This chronic condition is sometimes experienced after childbirth, after a number of bladder infections in some cases, and sometimes, for no apparent reason. When women experience an IC flare up it can be very painful to have sex and both kidney and bladder infections can become a regular occurrence in addition. Some patients need to urinate as much as 40 times daily as well as experience pain. These symptoms can also lead to serious mental health issues such as depression. Some women report finding it hard to hold down a job due to the incessant need to urinate or absent days due to the pain and stress that comes with the condition.
With IC, the most important thing is to get it diagnosed correctly and promptly, and not waste time over antibiotics that will not cure it. There are awareness groups of facebook and other online support groups available to those who go through this pain regularly. Re-modifying the diet, bladder retraining or alternative therapies are among the therapies recommended for those who suffer with IC. Some treatments can work very well but again, it’s all about the early diagnosis and differentiating between it and cystitis.
With cystitis, the condition is usually caused by bacterial infections of the bladder and lower urinary tract. Antibiotics can be obtained online or via your GP and will alleviate symptoms within one week. This condition can be caused by bacteria in the intestine that travels into the urinary tract and can also flare up after frequent sexual activity or a change of sexual partner. Symptoms can be similar to that of common sexually transmitted infections but the frequent need to urinate will help to diagnose it. Where antibiotics do not work, a test for STIs is recommended though. STI testing is available online or at a local clinic near you and the sooner the problem is dealt with, the better.
If you need treatment for IC then this really needs to be done with your GP or a referral to a urologist. For uncomplicated cystitis, you can get your regular treatment online these day. Antibiotics can be prescribed by online doctors via websites licensed by the Care Quality Commission.